Demonstration gegen rechts Graz

2024 - 2 - 3

Massive Demonstration in Graz Against Right-Wing Extremism

demo graz demo graz

A recap of the recent massive demonstration in Graz against right-wing extremism, uniting thousands in a call for human rights and democracy.

In a resounding display of unity, approximately 2,500 individuals in Graz joined forces in a powerful demonstration against right-wing extremism. Over 135 organizations and groups collaborated to orchestrate a poignant protest, shedding light on the prevalent issue of xenophobia and racism. The event, organized by the 'Alliance for Human Rights and Democracy,' captured the essence of solidarity and resilience against discrimination and hate.

The gathering, which emanated a strong message of inclusivity and tolerance, marked a significant moment in the ongoing fight against discrimination. Marching from the main train station through Annenstraße to Hauptplatz, the demonstrators voiced their unwavering support for democracy and equality. The peaceful rally unfolded without any untoward incidents, symbolizing a peaceful societal resistance against divisive ideologies.

On a cheerful note, amidst the serious discourse, the demonstration in Graz also showcased a vibrant display of unity and community spirit. The sunny weather added a touch of positivity to the event, emphasizing the collective commitment to upholding fundamental human rights and rejecting extremist beliefs.

As the echoes of the demonstration reverberate through Graz, it is evident that the city stands firm against the rise of right-wing extremism. The visuals from the event paint a striking picture of solidarity and activism, reinforcing the importance of coming together to combat bigotry and hatred.

The 'Alliance for Human Rights and Democracy' stands out as a beacon of hope and resilience in the fight against discrimination and intolerance. With their inspiring call to action, they lead the charge in advocating for a more inclusive and just society. The demonstration in Graz serves as a testament to the power of collective action and the unwavering spirit of those who stand up against injustice.

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Rund 2.500 Menschen bei Demo gegen rechts in Graz (

Rund 135 Vereine und Organisationen haben sich zu einem Bündnis zusammengetan, um für ein Lichtermeer gegen rechts zu mobilisieren.

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Image courtesy of ""

Tausende Menschen bei Demo gegen Rechtsextremismus in Graz (

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Image courtesy of "Kleine Zeitung"

Demo gegen Rechts:Tausende Menschen zeigen in Graz auf (Kleine Zeitung)

Bündnis für Menschenrechte und Demokratie“ rief zu Demo mit Ansprachen und Lichtermeer auf.

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Image courtesy of "APA - Austria Presse Agentur"

Tausende Menschen bei Grazer Demo gegen rechts (APA - Austria Presse Agentur)

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Image courtesy of "SALZBURG24"

Demo gegen Rechts: 2.500 Menschen zum Auftakt in Graz (SALZBURG24)

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Image courtesy of "VIENNA.AT"

Tausende Teilnehmer bei Demonstration gegen rechts in Graz (VIENNA.AT)

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Image courtesy of "PULS 24"

Tausende Menschen bei Grazer Demo gegen rechts (PULS 24)

Rund eine Woche nach den Demos in Wien, Innsbruck und Salzburg gegen rechts gab es am Samstag auch in Graz eine Kundgebung, veranstaltet vom "Bündnis für ...

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Image courtesy of ""


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Image courtesy of "PULS 24"

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Image courtesy of "Kleine Zeitung"

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